

What does 100% delivery guarantee mean?

delivery guarantee

100% completion guarantee Often the landlord requires a property to meet certain requirements before completion. These include removing wallpaper, filling drill holes, removing curtain rails, etc. If desired, STERK can take all of this off your hands, if discussed in advance. STERK...

Moving checklist 2024

strong expatriates

A move involves a lot of things. Often the overview is hard to find. STERK has created a checklist that you can use as a reference or download (below) and print out so you can easily check it off while you're...

What does an eviction cost?

what does an eviction cost

What does a house clearance cost? This is a question we see come up often. If you want to have a house cleared, you obviously want to know in advance what the costs will be. The costs of different clearance companies vary greatly. With us, customers pay...

New at STERK; Garden clearance

garden clearance

Have your garden cleared by an experienced team Since this summer, you can also come to us to have your garden cleared. We have noticed that in the Dordrecht and Rotterdam region there is a lot of demand for the complete clearance of...

STRONG additional service: Senior relocation

senior relocation

STERK has only been in existence since 2020 but has extensive experience in the field of evictions. By bringing with it the knowledge of Kringloopwinkel Nieuwe Hoop, STERK has a great advantage over other movers and eviction specialists. Moreover, STERK does not work...

Severely polluted home eviction

collecting rage

A seriously soiled home is a frequent occurrence. Because of our field, we often experience people struggling and getting harder and harder in life. Because of all the cuts in healthcare, people with mental health problems often do not receive the...

STERK Eviction dordrecht is a fact


In Nieuwe Hoop's Dordrecht branch we now also have a moving desk. This means that it is even easier for us to realize an eviction in Dordrecht. Request an appointment through the store and we often arrive within 2...

STRONG on the radio

strong on the radio

On Friday, July 3, Atos Radio took an interview with us. We are very happy with this attention, especially since we are doing such great things and envisioning for the future. Joshua was allowed to talk about the work of STERK....

What are good moving boxes?

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How do you recognize a good moving box, how many do you actually need? Rent, buy or borrow? What do you pay attention to when buying and what do they actually cost? How do you get moving boxes? There are several ways to get moving boxes,...