meeting soir

STERK Evictions enters into partnership with encounter foundation

STERK Evictions and Meeting Foundation join hands to provide employment for homeless people. STERK started to provide a work experience place for people with a distance to the labor market. From an apprenticeship within the recycling stores of New Hope, people move on to an opportunity for gainful employment. This is where STERK comes in. The men and women can apply for a real job. After the application, they will spend a few days with our people and it will be determined whether they can work for STERK. When they start working for STERK, they will receive practical guidance from day one on how to become professional evacuees.

This is a great opportunity for our participants. The people we guide to paid work need perspective. So with STERK we have found a place where they can move on to the next step and eventually become a full part of society again."

Wim van Herk - Meeting Foundation

As the participants take the next step to move on to gainful employment, they still receive coaching and guidance from Ontmoeting. In addition, they are fully trained by our professional eviction and warehouse staff to be fully employable in all the processes involved in an eviction.

We are enormously proud to be able to do business in a socially responsible manner in this way. Besides working completely climate-neutral, we believe it is very important that people can have a dignified existence. Through this cooperation we make a next step to gainful employment.

Joshua Lock - STERK Evictions

Do you know organizations or companies in your network that would like to use our services? Then award STERK and our people your assignment(s). With a professional team, excellent service and a decent price, we will not disappoint you!