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Senior housing clearance, How does it work?

When you need to have a senior living facility vacated because you have lost a loved one or because someone needs to move into a care room, a professional house clearance company support you in this. You want the house clearance to be done carefully, respectfully and discreetly. STERK can clear your home professionally and quickly so that it can be delivered to the landlord or new owner within a reasonable period of time. Below is how we handle the clearance of senior housing.

How do we proceed?

You want to have a senior living facility vacated after death or due to a move. A death is an unpleasant event, and it is often a difficult time for the next of kin. Naturally, we will treat you as the next of kin with respect, but we will also treat the remaining household contents with respect and discretion.

Clearance in 1 day

We try if it is a senior housing or a emergency clearance we can completely clear out in 1 day. What then remains and can still be sold we donate to charity. In this case, New Hope Foundation

In addition, we always offer a decent price and do not drive up the price unnecessarily. We like to help you in a fair way. This allows us to offer our people and our trainees (with a distance to the labor market) provided with work and we were all helped in the end.

Getting the senior housing ready FOR REMOVAL

When you have a senior living home vacated, we can also deliver directly to all of the landlord's, care facility's or buyer's wishes. For example, we can deliver the home swept clean, make cupboards and fixed furniture. Remove curtains and carpet. Perform technical work and other odd jobs. All this is always done in consultation with you.