House clearance

Are you looking for a company to clear your home because of a move, death or emigration? Then STERK house clearance is the right company for you. Strong it will clear your home quickly, efficiently and neatly. This also applies, of course, to business premises, rooms and nursing homes.

We always deliver homes swept clean, entirely according to the requirements of the landlord, buyer, housing association or real estate agent. Of course, you can also ask us to do all kinds of repairs. This includes repairing walls, removing wallpaper and carpeting.

We go to great lengths to see if we can give your stuff a second life. We offer it at the thrift store with which we cooperate.

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Appointment and inventory

At the first appointment, we will take stock of your requirements and wishes and review the amount of work involved in clearing the home.


Send & sign quotation

We will provide a competitive quote. When you agree to our no-obligation quote, we can get to work.


Sorting of estate

Our team starts by sorting out your belongings: which part should be disposed of at the environmental park (in an environmentally friendly way, of course) and which part is suitable for sale and for charity. Storage is not forgotten either.


Removal of materials

Furthermore, the home is stripped of all conceivable furnishings, such as carpeting, kitchen tarp, laminate, wood or plastic paneling, curtains, blinds, etc.



Lastly, your home is restored to its original condition (if necessary). Finally, the house is delivered completely broom clean with a soft broom.


Final inspection

As an extra service, we will take meter readings (if desired) and make an appointment with the housing foundation for the final inspection. Our employee will personally attend the inspection and send you the final report.


Just when the home is empty after the eviction, all the damages and missing details really become apparent. Depending on delivery requirements, we can do the following for you:

Why a house clearance?

There are many reasons why you might want to hire an eviction company. The main reason is often because you cannot do it all by yourself. Be it because of lack of time due to work or other issues such as you are already elderly and cannot physically handle a house clearance. It also happens that people go for the convenience of an eviction service. STERK takes care of everything from A to Z.